Elms Farm Allotment Association Committee
An elected group of allotment members runs the Elms Farm Allotment Association. They are responsible for administrating and managing the whole site, collecting rents, updating rules and fees, keeping the members informed of issues and developments and many other things.
With a site the size of Elms Farm, it takes some organisation, and different committee members take responsibility for specific actions and activities,
The purposes of the Committee include:
Establish and maintain cooperative and harmonious relationships amongst members and with the local community bordering the site.
The continuation of the existence of the Association and its operation for the benefit of its members.
Foster links with other like-minded organisations.
The Association shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion and operate an equal opportunities policy.
The Committee’s responsibilities are as follows:
Communicate with members.
Hold an Annual General Meeting and regular meetings.
Uphold duty of care for members’ well-being on site.
Maintain records.
Facilitate site maintenance including:-
Water supply.
Road and car park.
Security, including boundaries and gates.
Mowing of grass tracks and trim hedges.
Meeting hut, storage bunker, woodchip and manure bays.
Regular supply of woodchip and manure.
Foster links with other like-minded organisations and voluntary and community sector groups.
The Committee is voted in at each AGM, and any member of the Association can apply to become a committee member.
The current Committee is made up of the following association members.
Chair | Mick Wilson | Plot 19B |
Secretary | Rachel Pocknell | Plot 17B |
Treasurer | Graeme Cattermole | Plot 6 |