Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions that new members regularly ask when joining the site. If you have other questions, please ask any member on-site or contact a member of the Allotment Association, who will be happy to help.

Where are we?

The site is located just off Church Road in Stansted Mountfitchet. Enter via the access road just past Churchfields, marked with posts that say ‘MANOR HOUSE’. The allotment entrance is approximately 50m up on the left.

How do I get a plot?

Simple. Register your interest here. Once a plot becomes available, a member of the Allotment Association Committee will be in touch. You will have the opportunity to view the plot; if more than one is available, take your pick.

Is there a waiting list?

Yes! However, don’t be put off; there is always a turnover of plots. People’s circumstances change, and plots are reviewed regularly to ensure they are being cultivated. It may take a while to get a plot, but it is well worth the wait!

How much is it to join?

From January 2024, the price will be £100 a year for a standard plot and £50 for a half plot. This is well below the average for allotments. Most plots are ‘half sized’ approximately 125 square metres. Rents are due on the 1st of January each year in advance. New tenants also pay a £50 deposit which is returned when the plot is vacated in good condition.

What am I paying for?

Plot rents go towards the upkeep of the site. The main water supply has to be paid for, as do site security measures and the upkeep of other shared facilities, such as the communal shed and toilet block. We also pay for the paths to be mowed regularly throughout the summer. The accounts are published each year by the Treasurer at the AGM.

What facilities are there on site?

There are three water troughs, soon to be four, fed from the mains, spread evenly across the site. Members are encouraged to save rainwater to preserve water supplies.

There is a small car park at the main entrance to the site.

There is a compostable toilet on site.

What condition will the plot be in?

The plot you inherit may be totally dug over and ready to cultivate or be overgrown and ready for you to improve, and may need some work to prepare the plot and growing areas. It may have structures such as sheds and greenhouses already on it. You may also inherit mature fruit trees or bushes.

Are there rules I should stick to?

Yes, when you become a member, you will receive a copy of the Allotment Ground Rules, which form part of the tenancy agreement. A copy of the current rules can be found in the links on this website. Please read these carefully and abide by them at all times. These rules are essential so that everyone on the site can enjoy allotment gardening and for health and safety reasons.

A minimum standard of cultivation is expected so that all members on the site can enjoy allotment gardening to the full.

What if I can’t keep it up?

When you first agree to take on a plot, you will agree to reach a minimum cultivation level. This agreement will be based on the initial condition of your plot and will be reasonable. This is to ensure you can commit the time and effort it takes to maintain a plot. Some people underestimate this, and it is the most common reason for giving a plot up.

If you cannot meet these commitments, then you must inform the committee, who may be able to offer a smaller plot or help in other ways.

What can I grow on my plot?

The plots are provided primarily for the growth of fruit and vegetables. Many people grow flowers alongside their produce, which helps with pollination and improves the appearance of the site.

Are the allotments secure?

The site is surrounded by a fence, and the gates are padlocked. However, it would help if you did not keep valuables on site, and any items kept on your plot are kept at your own risk.