AGM Reminder

Just a reminder that the deadline for nominations for the EFAA committee posts of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer close at midnight on Sunday 18th August. The rules of the association require that these roles are subject to a vote so we are taking nominations in advance of the AGM to give time for members to consider who they wish to vote for. Just email us if you wish to stand.

If you’d simply like to join the EFAA committee and help with new initiatives around the site such as security, waste clearing facilities or social events, we’d love to have your support. We only meet every couple of months and it does not require a lot of hours to get involved. The role is voluntary and unpaid but any reasonable expenses incurred can be reimbursed.

We’ve been asked about a number of items so I am sharing responses with all members here in the interests of transparency, and will also mention these at the meeting.

ACCOUNTS – when the current committee took over the running of the EFAA in April 2023, we were given an account summary by the previous treasurer showing a balance of £3183.62. This was, in fact, an incorrect figure. This wasn’t immediately spotted by the new treasurer but has subsequently been noted and a full set of accounts created which go back to the formation of the EFAA. The correct balance was in fact £1392.47 on the date we took over and is currently £1449.47. The full accounts are available to any plot holder who wishes to see them and will be available to inspect at the AGM.

MINUTES OF MEETINGS & BANK STATEMENTS – the EFAA committee keeps minutes of all its scheduled meetings. We don’t publish these on the website for privacy reasons but they are available to any plot holder who wishes to see them. This has always been the case. We also maintain a bank account and receive monthly statements. We will have copies of these documents for inspection at the AGM.

AUDITING – a member has questioned why we don’t have our accounts audited. The EFAA is an unincorporated organisation and is therefore not subject to the same regulatory requirements of commercial companies. An annual audit would be time consuming and an unnecessary expense so we do not have one. Members can inspect minutes of meetings, account summaries and bank statements if needed and are welcome to ask questions at the AGM.

CONSTITUTION – the EFAA has a constitution of rules and guidance which was drawn up when the organisation was formed. It can be changed by agreement, but currently remains the same as it was when the current committee were voted in. A copy is available to download from the home page of the website. Direct link is here:

We’ll send a further announcement later this week after the nomination period closes.

AGM – Wednesday September 4th at 7:30pm at the Touchpoint Centre, Crafton Green, Stansted. We’ve avoided the summer holiday period to give everyone plenty of notice and allow for reflection and discussion over the next few weeks. An agenda and statement of accounts can be viewed and downloaded from the website here:

Part of that meeting will include an opportunity to review the work that the EFAA has done over the past 18 months and future initiatives that are on hold but ready to go. In addition, it is an opportunity for tenants to volunteer to join the committee and hopefully create a fresh and fully inclusive organization that everyone will support.

So, in summary:

If you’d like to nominate yourself for the position of Chair, Secretary or Treasurer, send your nomination by August 18th to
All registered tenants will have the opportunity to vote for the candidates.
If you want to actively make Elms Farm a better place, volunteer for the committee.
Keep September 4th free and join us at the AGM.

If you have any questions, you can contact current committee members via our email address: You can also find all the details here on the website.


The EFAA committee